Large Breed Dog Food Vs Regular Dog Food: What’s The Difference?

Last Updated on June 6, 2023 by Georgie Smith

Each dog is different even when they are of the same breed. However, there are large dogs, and small dogs and their owners need to be aware of how they differ. That is especially true with large breed dog food Vs. Regular dog food.

It is an almost well-known truth that puppies need to eat puppy food and adult dogs should eat adult food. However, what most people do not remember is that the different dog breeds have different nutritional needs.

This article highlights some of the differences between large dogs and small dogs and what makes their dietary needs so different.

Basic Comparison:

How Much Should You Feed Your Dog and How Often?

The best way to ensure that your dogs are healthy is by making sure that you have given them the right amount of food. If they do not get enough food, they will suffer from nutritional deficits. If you feed them too much, there is a high chance that they may develop obesity.

It is normal for pet owners to feel guilty that they get to eat three meals a day and several snacks. The guilt kicks in because their dog only gets one meal a day and they can eat a few scoops. Here are several ways that you can ensure that your dog gets adequate feeding throughout the day.

Let the Dog Decide

If your dog is at a healthy weight and they do not have accidents in the house, it is easy for them to choose how much and how often they will eat. It means that you have to leave out food the whole day and let your dog graze. That method is more effective if your dog is extremely active and she gets plenty of exercise for burning more calories each day.

Nursing dogs will also prefer this method because they are hungrier after nursing. More calories allow them to increase their milk flow which is great for their puppies.

One huge disadvantage of this method is that the food may attract rodents to your home, so you need to be on the lookout. If your dog is diabetic, this method is not for them.

Portion Control

If your dog is still hungry and does not stop eating use this method because portions are essential to your dog’s health. Remember to ask your doctor what the ideal weight for your dog is, so you know how much to feed it. If you are using commercially available food, make sure that you feed it the amounts listed on the package. Be sure to feed your dog every 8-12-hour intervals per day.

Check the Clock

If you are worried about your dog getting enough food but do not want it to overeat, use the timed methods. It means that you give your dog, a few minutes to eat and you put up what they have not eaten. [1]

What Do You Do About Treats?

The treats your dog gets should make up for 5-10 percent of what they eat- or less. Ask your vet about how many snacks this means. When you are training your dog and have to give them many treats, for portion control, do it using small pieces? Here are three things that will determine how much you feed your dog:

  • The weather
  • How active your dog is and whether it is nursing or pregnant
  • Recovering from illness or surgery
Large Breed Dog FoodRegular Dog Food
These are a little less dense thus help the dog gain weight at a slower rateAre dense in calories and work for the high metabolic rates of smaller dogs
Formulated to prevent premature deathFormulated to give nutrition throughout the life of the dog
Contain all the antioxidants requiredContains glucosamine

Large Breed Dog Food Advantages

Like with all animals, the nutritional needs of large dog species depend on their age. Therefore, you are required to feed the dog according to its age and life stage. Because they finish growing at an older age, their growth needs to be controlled to prevent growth abnormalities.

Between six months and two years of age, it is paramount that the dog gets a balanced diet without any excess calories.

With the recommended levels of fat and protein, these puppies will maintain their ideal weight both as puppies and as adults. Natural protein promotes lean muscle development and reduces the risks of obesity and digestion problems.

Because they have a higher bone density, their foods contain more phosphorous and calcium for optimal bone development and growth. [2]

Joint Care

Even the slightest movement of the dog causes strain on the joints because of its size. Naturally, large breed dogs contain chondroitin and glucosamine which are the natural sources of omega-three fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin E. These help to nourish the connective tissue and cartilage.

Digestive System

Compared to smaller breeds, larger dogs have increased gut permeability and also decreased digestive tract transit time. This fact means that they continuously have excess moisture in their fecal matter which contributes to loose stools.

Their foods, therefore, contain much fiber which gets sourced from foods like brown rice, rice bran, and grain oatmeal which helps aid digestion and maintain the integrity of the stool. A great example of these type of food is Eukanuba adult dry dog food and wellness complete health natural dry large breed dog food:

EUKANUBA Adult Dry Dog Food

Wellness Complete Health Natural Dry Large Breed Dog Food

The foods also contain easily digestible protein sources like chicken which reduces the amount of protein that is passed through the large intestines undigested.

Regular Dog Food Advantages:

Small and toy dog breeds grow faster than larger dog breeds. Smaller dogs reach full maturity in about eight months as opposed to larger breeds that achieve maturity at 18 years. They also have a longer life expectancy. Therefore smaller breeds spend most of their lives as adults.

Regular dog food is consequently great because it has the optimal proteins and fat that allow them to meet their energy and metabolic needs. These foods contain:


Small breeds require vitamin C, taurine, and vitamin E. These will help to protect the cells of the pet from damage as a result of aging and the environment to which they get exposed. They also help promote the immune system of the animal.

The Taste

Research shows that these dog breeds are more likely to refuse a meal that does not taste great. As a result, foods intended for small dogs have the right moisture level, and are the right shape and size. They also tend to be palatable.

Therefore, pet owners should offer the dogs a variety of highly delicious foods. The taste of animal protein like chicken, fish, and meat encourages the dogs to eat and thus acquire the right nutrients.

Great for Oral Health

Because these dogs are tinier, they tend to have crowded mouths making it difficult to chew. Therefore, they are more prone to dental issues. Science shows that regular dogs that are between eight and 15 years old go to the vet up to 53 percent of the time due to dental problems.

Regular dog food is specially designed to naturally clean teeth and avoid the buildup of tartar around the teeth.

Zinc and Omega-6 Fatty Acids

These dogs are prone to have unhealthy skin and a dull coat causing their hair falls out more. They can be affected by the dry air indoors caused by regular cooling and heating. Their foods, therefore, contain a lot omega-6 and zinc to help their coats shine more and also to improve the moisture level of their skin.

The food does this by creating a moisture barrier between the skin and the coat. It ensures that they do not lose more water that is in their bodies. An excellent deal for pet owners as they also reduce the risks of dehydration in the process.

Large Breed Puppy Food Vs. Regular Puppy Food: What Works?

A colossal mistake most pet owners make is to assume that all dog food is the same. Therefore, those that have smaller breeds offer them less food and larger breeds get more food. They believe that everything will work itself out nutritionally. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

There is often a change in the formula that benefits the breed that you have. The size of the kibble is therefore not the only difference.

To answer the question of what works between regular and large dog food is both. Both of these foods are great when offered to the animal while watching for nutrition issues. It is therefore critical for you to ensure that you have adhered to the best guidelines.

Regular dogs grow faster which means that they require more calories and nutrients that will support their faster growth. Foods that are more nutrient dense allow your dog to be healthy and robust.

Small dogs have the advantage because it is difficult for you to overfeed them. However, it is easier for you to stuff larger breeds. If the larger dogs grow too fast, it could lead to problems in their health as they mature. Sometimes, their joints may not be able to support their weight.

Young bones tend to be more flexible. If too much weight is on them, they will bend. To prevent health issues, it is best to keep your puppy on the diets created for their breeds.

Things You Can Do to Stop Inappropriate Chewing Habits

For some pet owners, overfeeding your dog does not come naturally. It is often not an act of ignorance either. Sometimes your dog will chew on everything it can get into its mouth. It is easy to think that such habits are a result of hunger. However, they are not.

Dogs often develop terrible chewing habits especially when they are bored. Here are a few things you can do to curb these habits and still keep your dog healthy.

These steps will protect your valuables from your dog making things her chew toy.

Eliminate Medical Issues

The first thing you need to do to is to check whether your dog has any underlying medical issues. Sometimes, nutritional deficiencies as a result of poor diets and intestinal parasites cause your dogs to chew on things as a way to get substitutions for the nutrition they require.

Gastrointestinal problems also cause much nausea which is often relieved by chewing. Ruling out any medical issues allows you to take the appropriate steps that are needed to make sure your dog stops chewing on the items in your home. If there are underlying medical conditions, consider treating them first before you take any other actions.

Dog Proof Areas in Your Home

At first, it may seem impossible to find ways to keep your dog from chewing on things. However, you can remove items that will entice your dog to chew and those that may be dangerous if chewed. Ensure that any potentially harmful things get eliminated. It includes dishwashing soaps and toxic plants.

You should also cover all electric cables around your home correctly to make them inaccessible to your canine friend. Chewing on power cables will result in electrocution. You should also store your shoes, socks, and children’s toys appropriately. You should also block access to bedrooms where these items may get stored.

You should also consider crate training your dog to ensure that he does not move around unsupervised so that he does not have access to items that he may chow on. Boxes provide that your things be safe when you are not around to supervise your dog regularly.

Encourage them to Chew on Appropriate Toys

A great way to accomplish this is to buy the best toys. It ensures that they have their toys to nibble on and will not need to use your items to keep themselves busy. Provide toys that your dog will enjoy playing. Each dog is different and will have their preferences. Be careful when providing your dog with beef bones and rawhides.

Most determined chewers will whittle them down to small pieces and swallow them. These pieces may end up lodged in the esophagus and choke your pet to death. If you offer treats, take them away when the parts get so small your dog can easily swallow them. Avoid treats and bones that may become sharp fragments that may puncture your dog’s organs.

Select toy sizes that are appropriate for your dog’s age and that will not be easy to swallow. It will also help if you choose toys for your dog that do not resemble any inappropriate items in your home.

For instance, toys that resemble shoes will encourage your dog to chew on your shoes when the toys are not available. You should therefore not allow your dog to chew on old shoes as they may not distinguish between old shoes and a new pair.

Punish Bad Behavior

The best way to keep your dog from chewing these inappropriate items is by creating a punishment plan. For instance, if you find your dog chewing on your shoes, take them away and scold the dog. Redirect his attention towards objects that he should chew and praise him for playing with those items instead.

Gradually, your dog will associate negative emotions with chewing on inappropriate things and will learn which pieces he should chew on and which ones he should avoid. Once you have bought the toys, you may choose to apply deterrents like a bitter apple on items that the dog should not chew on.

Engage the Dog in Playtime

Always play with your dog and take them to walks each day. For you, a tired dog is a good dog. Playing with him is a great way to create a human-animal bond. It is also a great way to use up his attention and ensure that they will not chew on items they are not supposed to chew.

Have Options

Just like kids, dogs get bored quickly. To encourage your dog to chew on appropriate things, buying chew toys is essential. It will ensure that he has a variety of toys to choose from when he wants to play. Choosing only certain types of toys will be annoying to your dog, and they may end up chewing on items that are not appropriate.

How to Choose Safe Chews for Your Dog

There are many chews on the market today. You, therefore, need to ensure that you choose the right chew for your dog. Here are a few things that will make it easier for you to select the correct chew for your dog.

Determine What Type of Chewer Your Dog Is

While the entire small breed lovers chew on items and are incredibly active. The best toys for dogs are those that do not tear easily. However, there are three types of chewers.

Inhalers. These are dogs that bite off huge chunks of the edibles they chew on and swallow them just as fast. These chewers need toys that they cannot swallow, so they do not choke. Their toys should also be mostly rubber to enable them to last for a long time. Tennis balls, stuffed toys, and rope chews do well for these dogs.

Destroyers. These are dogs that make it a point of thoroughly destroying anything they can get into their mouth. Unlike the previous group, they do not like swallowing different items, but they will not hesitate in destroying them. A hybrid of inhalers and destroyers is undoubtedly challenging to stop. These need toys that they cannot damage.

They will keep him busy for hours as he tries to destroy the toys quickly and move on. Sturdy rubber toys are excellent as the rubber film does not damage easily. There are also some edible toys that last for hours which may be great for these types of chewers.

Nibblers. These dogs are lovers and not fighters. They take their time and will chew on items slowly giving them the attention and respect they deserve. Rawhides, bully sticks, tennis balls, edible treats and stuffed toys are great options for these animals. Because they are keen on details, they need toys that do not have signs of damage as they will find weak points and capitalize on them.

Hardness, Softness, and Durability

You need to consider toys that are in between- toys that do not “give” a small bit when you press on them is probably too hard. If they are too hard may break your dog’s teeth. Avoid those. However, this does not mean that you should opt for toys that are too soft. Your dog may destroy them and chew the pieces or the stuffing that is inside.

The best quality is somewhere in between and shows signs of agility so that your dog cannot destroy the toy or swallow it.


The coating of the toy says a lot about how long it will last. The best toys for dogs should not have flavors as they may cause stomach upsets. They should also not have a coat so that the toy is fun and does not cause harm to the dog.

Size and Shape

Because of their history as cattle herders, blue heelers tend to love chewing and swallowing items. Therefore, the blue heeler dog toys should not be too small as the dog may choke on the toys if he tries to swallow them. If the muzzle or tongue sticks inside the toy and the dog plays, the toy is not a good one.


Because these toys will spend a good part of the day and sometimes the night in the mouth, blue heeler toys need to be easy to clean and disinfect. They should be dishwasher or washing machine friendly so you can do this quickly and conveniently.

Entertainment Value

Above everything, these toys should keep your dog active. They should be capable of providing hours of chewing entertainment and should last for months without showing signs of wear and tear. You may be able to stuff it with treats and food, but mostly, your dog needs to love the toy.


Q: How do I know that my dog is starving?

A: Mistaking some signs of hunger is easy. The best way to feed your dog is to consult with the vet about their portions and how many times they should get food each day. The weight of your dog will tell you whether they are underfed or not.

Q: Do bite sizes matter?

A: Yes, the size of the bit matters a lot. If a large dog gets small bites, it will get choked.

Q: Can I feed my large dog breed puppy regular adult dog food?

A: No, always make sure that the food you choose will be beneficial to your dog. Food should improve the health of your dog not just give feelings of satisfaction.


Choosing the right food and toys for your dog will be difficult. If you have more than one dog, you already know that they are different. Much like people, each dog is unique and has their personality. Therefore ensure that you give your dog the best food like blue buffalo life protection formula which will prolong its life and keep it healthy.

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