How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of Termites?

Last Updated on May 9, 2023 by morninghomestead

Did you know that every year termites cost about $5 billion in both damage and treatment costs in the United States? Seeing these numbers may prompt you to ask How must does it cost to get rid of termites?

Termites are destructive wood-eating pests that devastate your home and contribute to the loss of thousands of dollars each year. To prevent losses, you must make sure that you get rid of all the termites on your properties.

Numerous responsibilities come with being a homeowner. Some of these issues you may not have to think about as a renter.

There are many ways that you can treat termite infestations. The choice you make depends on the extensiveness of the damage and the number of termites in the home. The total cost of termite treatment will range between $2000 and $5000 depending on the size of your home and the complexity of the job. [1]

Some factors will determine the amount of money you will spend on the treatment. This article will help you calculate the costs of treating termite infestations.

Types of Termite Invasions

There are two main types of termite invasions. The most common type is the subterranean termites that live about three or four feet from the house.

They are commonly found at the foundation of your home and leave signs of invasion that are called mud tubes. To treat these termites, an inspector removes the tubes after which he drills around the foundation then injects a pesticide like BASF Termidor sc termiticide 20 oz. By Termidor in the hole.

The second type is the Drywood Termite. These often attack between August and September. They occur mostly because of the rains that cause wooden structures to decay. These will leave fecal pellets around floorboards and window sills. Sometimes, they may live in your home for up to five years before you feel their presence.

As a homeowner, make sure that you always remove dry rot around your home. This action will keep the termites at bay. [2]

Factors That Determine the Costs of Treatment:

It is always difficult to make a standard prediction on the costs of treatment because each home is different. That is why they always recommend that you go to a professional inspector who will give you an accurate estimate. However, here is a list of factors that can decrease or increase the amount of money you have to pay.

The Methods Employed

There are a couple of techniques that got introduced, in the recent past, for getting rid of termites. Each has its limitations and its numerous benefits and, of course, each has its costs. However, the location of the termites will also increase the costs of the method used. For instance, if the mites are below a concrete slab, even chemical extermination using Taurus SC 20oz will be quite expensive. [3]

Termite Tenting

Have you ever seen a large tent that covers a house or other structure in or around the home and wondered what it is? That is known as termite tenting which is a popular method even though it poses risks to both pets and humans. This method is perfect for large infestations of Drywood Termites.

It is quite expensive and can only be successful if there are large colonies. It will cost you between $1200 to $2500 for a 1250 square foot house.


  • It is harmful to both humans and pets
  • Termite tenting is not effective against subterranean termites.
  • It does not affect already hatched eggs although most of the nymphs will starve to death.
  • The method does not keep away new colonies especially during spring.

Chemical Extermination:

Chemicals are effective in treating infestations. A professional will put a tarpaulin on the item where the Bayer 03780574 Premise Foam Termiticide goes through to the infested areas in gas form. The chemical will destroy both visible and hidden termites. For this method, always keep away your pets and plants for at least three days after the treatment.

Always air the structure after treatment for your family as well as your pet’s safety.


This method gets priced per linear foot. If your home is between 150-linear feet and 1250-square feet, it will cost you $1350 – $2500.


  • It does not assure non-recurrence of the termites

Termite Baiting System Costs

In this method, a professional uses edible but extremely toxic materials that act as baits like Taurus SC 78oz against the termites. These get installed underground and other affected areas. It is effective because it works like a virus, spreading and killing members of the colony both near and far.


You will incur a charge of between $800 and $3200 depending on the size of the property.

Heat Treatment

This method is also known as heat fumigation. It is the most environmentally friendly solution. There are no chemicals, so it will not destroy your plants or kill your pets. In this method, professionals use high-power machines to blow air through the infested areas.

These machines raise the temperature to 130F. It will destroy both termites and cockroaches in less than 20 minutes.


  • It will cost you about $2000 for a 2000 square foot home.


  • It does not guarantee long-term protection


Where do you live? Like all services, the prices will be higher or lower depending on where you live. People who live in the cities will receive costlier services than people living in small towns.

The Extent of the Infestation:

Lucky homeowners will detect infestations on time. In such cases, the outbreak has not covered the entire home. Also, keep in mind that a professional will confine the treatment to the infested areas. To prevent future attacks, other areas get treated with repellants.

The more the area has an infestation, the more expensive the termite treatment.

The Foundation of your Home:

The structure of your foundation will affect the costs of treatment. Monolithic slabs tend to require a treatment approach that is customized. If your foundation has a basement or crawls space, the costs will be higher than homes with standard foundations.

Signs of Termites

Termite Frass:

The first sign of termites is their droppings, also known as Frass. They often create sill holes and push out those excrements to create more space for the colony. Sometimes, homeowners will mistake this as small piles of sawdust. Home-owners, therefore, overlook it.

If you have seen something similar in your home, pick some of it up and take a closer look. Do the pieces look like granular pellets with a sharp contrast to slivers and splinter? If you are uncertain, take a sample to a professional.

Termite Pinholes:

If you already cleaned up that pile of Frass, look out for pinholes. These are tiny holes similar to those left on walls by nails from picture frames. These holes will always be right above the location you see their droppings.

Pay close attention to your wooden trim, window sills, porch and door sills. They are also common in places that previously had water leaks.

Termite Mud Tubes:

These are common where there are subterranean termites. These are near your home’s foundation.

Termite Wings and Swarmer’s

If there is a colony of termites, you will no doubt notice wings and swarmer’s. If you find these wings, two things may happen: first, maybe they are trying to find a way into your home, or they have already infested your home and are already mature and need to move out to find a new colony. The second scenario is terrible and requires that you find professional help at once.

So, You Have Termites Feasting in your Home, Now what?

You have figured out that you must fight the growing infestation around your home. However, you need to make the right treatment decision that will not cost you too much.

First, you must make sure that you have chosen the right termite company. The location of your home will determine the costs of the services. However, it is important to remember that if you do not choose professionals, it will cost you in the long run.

Other than price, there are other things that you need to consider. Of course, the more prominent and more renowned the company, the costlier their services.

A great way to get the best company is to ask around to your friends, family, and neighbors. It is easier to find a great professional through recommendations. Therefore, think long and hard about who recently had their homes treated for termites. Those close to you are likely to give you an excellent suggestion for the best services.

Have a list of companies and narrow it down by looking at their reviews both online and from their customers. Every infestation is different so your experience should be unique. The budget will also defer.

Here are a couple of things that you need to consider:

  • Do you get a guarantee for their treatment over the specified period?
  • Does the company offer an insurance certificate?
  • Are you getting compensation for the repairs you may need?
  • Find out how often the company will perform the inspections after bait treatment

How to Conduct Termite Inspections Yourself

One termite is only 8mm long. This length does not seem dangerous. However, when there is a colony that needs food, these insects are incredibly determined. They will move through metal and wood to get what they want.

Before you start the process, you have to make sure you have some knowledge of the termites. While chemicals like Bayer Diy Termite Killer 9 Lb and Dominion 2l, Professional Termite Control, Termidor, termiticide Concentrate are excellent, they will not work if not applied effectively.


Q: Do termites fly?

A: Not all of them can fly. However, some colonies produce termites that can fly in their swarms. A termite swarm refers to a season when well-built termites go out to create new termite colonies. During those times, newborn termites (especially those born in the rain) have wings. Once they find new homes and mate with their partners, the wings shed off.

Occasionally, flying termites are confused with flying ants. However, the wings of termites are equal while those of ants are unequal.

Q: How long do they live?

A: One fact about termites is that they are tough. Regardless, their lifespan depends on how favorable the climate is at the tie. The queen lives the longest because all other members of the colony have a duty to protect the queen. Scientists have found that the queen can live up to 20 years.

Soldiers and workers have a maximum of two years. The queen survives because she can lay up to 30,000 eggs each day.

Q: Why is DIY termite inspection such a gamble?

A: Termites are not visible. They tend to hide pretty well. These insects live inside the wood and build tunnels, and they eat away at the wood to expand their colonies. Chemicals like Termidor Foam are excellent at penetrating the dark tunnels.


Treating termite infestations can be costly. Like with all things, prevention is always better than cure. Always focus on products that treat the perimeter rather than the interior. You should also find a company that is willing to give you free estimates. On the same note, avoid big companies because their services involve many overheads.

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